沙佰PC/ABS C2950-111
Liquid caustic soda is a kind of severe alkali inorganic chemical, which exposes as liquefied clear solution with no color and no odor. It is intensively utilized in ordinary chemical plant with M.W. 40.1, B.P. 1388℃. It is generally called as caustic soda, viscous liquid with well moisture absorption for water, carbon dioxide and chlorine. Liquid caustic soda can not burn, but tends to corrode zinc, aluminum, copper and lead to produce hydrogen. In accordance with requirement, it is processed as flaked caustic and micropearls caustic by heat evaporation. Liquid caustic soda of Formosa Plastics is completely manufactured from ion exchange membrane process to sell around all over the world and qualified by domestic food additives and various international surveillance activities.
PC/ABS沙比克C2950-111(C2950-701黑色)PC/ABS型号种类繁多,在此不一一列举。 本公司服务宗旨:以质量求生存,以服务求信誉,以信誉迎客户,以客户求发展!欢迎各地新老客户来电来函咨询洽谈订购
PC塑料 - 物理性质
比重:1.18-1.20克/立方厘米 成型收缩率:0.5-0.8% 成型温度:230-320℃ 干燥条件:110-120℃ 8小时 可在 -60~120℃下长期使用。
物料性能 冲击强度高,尺寸稳定性好,无色透明,着色性好,电绝缘性、耐腐蚀性、耐磨性好,但自润滑性差,有应力开裂倾向,高温易水解,与其它树脂相溶性差。 适于制作仪表小零件、绝缘透明件和耐冲击零件