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99Hit Grades

PropertyCharacteristicCompareGradeColor No.UL94Yellow Card HB, standard Unfilled, high flow 
2000EF2001/PLT9908 HB Unfilled, toughness 
2002EF2001/ED3002 HB low wear Unfilled 
2002KEF2001/ED3002 HB weather resistance Unfilled 
2002UEF2001/ED3002 HB HB, standard Unfilled 
201ACEF2001 HB  Equivalent-Halogen-free, higher comparative tracking index Unfilled 
201NFEF2001/ED3002 V-0 low wear Unfilled 
209AWEF2001 V-0 Film, extrusion molding High flow 
300FPEF201R HB  Equivalent-Resin adhesion improved for multiple injection molding GF30% reinforced 
303RAEF2001/ED3002 HB Low warpage,SA series GF reinforced, low gravity,low wear 
304SAED3002/EF2001 HB HB, standard GF7.5% reinforced, toughness 
3100HEF2001/ED3002 HB GF15% reinforced 
3105EF2001/ED3002 HB GF15% reinforced, toughness 
3105HEF2001/ED3002 HB Better surface appearance, higher gloss, HB GF15% reinforced 
3106EF2001/ED3002 HB Halogen-free, higher comparative tracking index GF10% reinforced 
310NFEF2001/ED3002 V-0 Resin adhesion improved for multiple injection molding GF15% reinforced 
313RAEF2001/ED3002 HB Halogen-free, higher comparative tracking index GF15% reinforced 
315NFEF2001/ED3002 V-0 HB, standard GF20% reinforced 
3200EF2001/ED3002 HB Halogen-free, higher comparative tracking index GF20% reinforced 
320NFEF2001/ED3002 V-0 HB, standard GF30% reinforced 
3300EF2001/ED3002 HB Epoxy adhesion improved GF30% reinforced 
3300AEF2001/ED3002 HB HB, standard GF30% reinforced, toughness 
3300HEF2001 HB  Equivalent-Better surface appearance, higher gloss, HB GF30% reinforced 
3306EF2001/ED3002/ED3020 HB Flame retardant, excellent glow-wire property GF reinforced 
330GWEF2001/ED3002 V-0 Hydrolysis resistant GF30% reinforced 
330HREF2001/ED3002 HB Low oligomer content, HB GF30% reinforced 
330LCEF2001 HB Halogen-free, higher comparative tracking index GF30% reinforced 
330NFEF2001/ED3002 V-0 HB, standard GF40% reinforced 
3400EF2001/ED3002 HB GF45% reinforced 
3405EF2001/ED3002 HB Low oligomer content, HB GF40% reinforced 
340LCEF2001 HB Resin adhesion improved for multiple injection molding GF30% reinforced, hydrolysis resistance 
353RAEF2001/ED3002 V-0 Low warpage,SA series GF reinforced, low gravity,low wear 
361SAED3002 V-0 Resin adhesion improved for multiple injection molding GF15% reinforced 
363RAEF2001/ED3002 V-0 Flame retardant, low gas generation Unfilled, high toughness 
407EP-1EF2001/ED3002 V-0 Higher impact resistant Unfilled, flame retardant, higher comparative tracking index 
457EVEF2001/ED3002 V-0 (1.5mm) Film, extrusion molding Standard 
500FPEF201R HB Hydrolysis resistant GF20% reinforced, higher comparative tracking index 
522HREF2001/ED3002 HB Alkali resistance improved GF30% reinforced 
531ARED3002 HB  Equivalent-Hydrolysis resistant,heat shock resistant GF30% reinforced 
531HSED3002 HB 
531HSEF2001 HB Alkali resistance improved GF30% reinforced, hydrolysis resistance 
532AREF2001/ED3002 HB  Equivalent-Hydrolysis resistant,heat shock resistant GF30% reinforced 
552HSEF2001/ED3002 V-0 Low warpage,SA series Mineral reinforced, low gravity, low wear 
601SAEF2001 HB 
601SAED3002 HB Low warpage, HB, standard GB30%filled, anisotropy improved 
6300BEF2001/ED3002 HB Low warpage,flame retardant, standard GB30% filled, anisotropy improved 
6370BEF2001/ED3002 V-0 Low warpage,SA series Mineral reinforced, low gravity, low wear 
652SAED3002 V-1 
652SAEF2001 V-1 Film, extrusion molding High viscosity 
700FPEF201R HB  Equivalent-For connector of automobile GF15% reinforced 
701ACEF2001/ED3002 HB  Equivalent-Low warpage,SA series GF reinforced, low gravity,low wear 
701SAEF2001/ED3002 HB Better surface appearance, higher gloss, HB GF reinforced, High rigidity, Low warpage , Less sink marks 
702MSED3002 HB Low warpage,SA series GF reinforced, low gravity,low wear 
711SAEF2001/ED3002 HB Low warpage,flame retardant, standard GF reinforced, super low warpage 
7195WEF2001/ED3002 V-0 Electric conductive GF reinforced 
7300EED3002 HB Low warpage, HB, standard GF reinforced, super low warpage 
7307EF2001/ED3020 HB For laser welding GF30% reinforced, heat shock resistant 
730LWPLTZ21065/PLTZ71549/PLTZ94458 --Low warpage, LD series GF30% reinforced, hydrolysis resistance 
733LDED3002/EF2001 HB Low warpage,flame retardant, standard GF reinforced, super low warpage 
7390WEF2001/ED3002 V-0 low wear GF30% reinforced, standard 
7400FEF2001 HB Low warpage, HB, standard GF reinforced, super low warpage 
7400WEF2001/ED3002 HB 
7407EF2001/ED3002 HB Low warpage, flame retardant GF30% reinforced, hydrolysis resistance  
750AMED3002 V-0 Low warpage, LD series GF30% reinforced 
750LDED3002/EF2001 V-0 Low warpage,SA series GF reinforced, low gravity,low wear 
751SAEF2001/ED3002 V-0 Better surface appearance, higher gloss, flame retardant GF reinforced,low warpage 
756HAEF2001/ED3002/Colored V-0 Better surface appearance, higher gloss, HB GF15% reinforced 
HB GF30% reinforced 
HB HB, standard GF15% reinforced 
HB Better surface appearance, higher gloss, flame retardant GF15% reinforced 
V-0 GF30% reinforced 
V-0 Flame retardant,UL approved regrind 50% inclusive Unfilled, high flow 
V-0 Flame retardant,standard,UL approved regrind 50% inclusive Unfilled 
V-0 GF5% reinforced 
V-0 GF10% reinforced 
V-0 GF15% reinforced 
V-0 GF20% reinforced 
V-0 Flame retardant,UL approved regrind 50% inclusive GF30% reinforced, high flow 
V-0 Flame retardant,standard,UL approved regrind 50% inclusive GF30% reinforced 
V-0 Low warpage,flame retardant, standard GF reinforced, super low warpage 
V-0 Flame retardant, low gas generation, low contact contamination,UL approved regrind 50% inclusive Unfilled 
CRN7000GPEF2001/ED3002 V-0 GF15% reinforced 
CRN7015GPEF2001/ED3002 V-0 GF20% reinforced 
CRN7020GPEF2001/ED3002 V-0 GF30% reinforced 
CRN7030GPEF2001/ED3002 V-0 Flame retardant, higher comparative tracking index GF reinforced, standard,CTI/PLC:0 
V-0 Flame retardant,standard,UL approved regrind 50% inclusive GF15% reinforced 
GFR315EF2001/ED3002 V-0 GF20% reinforced 
GFR320EF2001/ED3002 V-0 GF30% reinforced 
GFR330EF2001/ED3002 V-0 Higher impact resistant Unfilled 
HB  Equivalent-Low warpage,flame retardant, standard GF15% reinforced 
V-0 GF30% reinforced 
V-0 Hydrolysis resistant,high heat shock resistant GF30% reinforced,Special 
LT530FREF2001/ED3002 V-0 
LT530HREF2001/ED3002 HB  Equivalent-Lower noise, damping GF30% reinforced, HB 
MH1304 T01
HB  Equivalent-GF30% reinforced, flame retardance 
MH6304 T01
V-0 GF15% reinforced, HB 
RH1150 T01
HB Super high flow, HB GF30% reinforced 
SF3300EF2001/ED3002 HB  Equivalent-GF30% reinforced, low warpage 
SF733LDEF2001/ED3002 HB  Equivalent-GF55% reinforced,high rigidity, better surface appearance 
SF755EF2001/ED3020 HB 


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