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POMPTFE YF-20(加20%铁弗龙)

更新时间:2025-01-22 08:00:00
联系手机: 18025120985


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84Hit Grades

PropertyCharacteristicCompareGradeColor No. UL94Yellow Card High Sliding High sliding 
AW-01CF2001/CD3501 HB Low VOC High sliding 
AW-01LVCF2001/CD3501 HB High Sliding High sliding, High viscocity 
AW-09CF2001 HB Electric Conductive CF10% reinforced, low wear 
CH-10CD3501 HB CF15% reinforced, low wear 
CH-15CD3501 --CF20% reinforced, low wear 
CH-20CD3501 HB Creep Resistant 

CP15XCF2001 HB Electric Conductive Anti-static 
EB-08CD3501 HB 
EB-10CD3501 HB 
ES-5CD3501 HB Anti-static, high sliding 
EW-02CD3501 HB Extrusion molding Melted extrusion molding 
FP15XCF2001 HB Low Warpage GB 25% reinforced, low warpage  
GB-25RCF3500/CD3501 HB Glass Fiber reinforced GF10% reinforced 
GH-10CF3500 HB GF20% reinforced 
GH-20CF3500 HB GF25% reinforced 
GH-25CF3500/CD3501 HB GF25% reinforced, High flow 
GH-25DCF3500/CD3501 HB Low VOC GF25% reinforced 
GH-25LVCF3500 HB Low Warpage MF20% reinforced, low warpage  
GM-20CF3500 HB Special High strength,Fuel resistant 
H140-54CCF2001 --High Rigidity High Viscosity 
HP25XCF2001 HB High Flow 
HP270XCF2001 HB Standard 
HP90XCF2001 HB High Sliding High sliding 
JW-03CF2001 HB Mineral reinforced High rigidity,Wear resistant 
KT-20CF2001 HB Weather Resistant Low gloss, weather resistance 
LU-02CF2001 HB Low VOC LowGloss, weather resistance 
LU-02LVCF2001 --High Sliding High sliding 
LW-02CF2001/CD3501 HB Standard High Flow,Fast Molding Cycle 
M140-44CF2001 HB 
M140SCF2001 HB Extrusion molding For extrusion 
M25-34CF2001 HB Standard High Viscosity 
M25-44CF2001/CD3068 HB Weather Resistant High viscosity 
M25-45CF2001 HB Low VOC High viscosity 
M25LVCF2001 HB Standard High Viscosity 
M25SCF2001/CD3069 HB High Flow,Fast Molding Cycle 
M270-44CF2001/CD3068 HB Weather Resistant High Flow 
M270-45CF2001 HB Low VOC Weather resistant 
M270-45LVCF2001 HB High flow, fast molding cycle 
M270LVCF2001/CD3069 HB Standard High Flow,Fast Molding Cycle 
M270SCF2001/CD3069 HB Super High Flow,Fast Molding Cycle 
M450-44CF2001 HB 
M450SCF2001/CD3069 HB Special Black color concentrate (For LV) 
M90-07K30682 Ref. UL link Black color concentrate  
M90-07K30680 Ref. UL link Standard Standard 
M90-44CF2001/CD3068 HB Weather Resistant Standard 
M90-45CF2001/CD9100/CD9300  HB Low VOC Weather resistant 
M90-45LVCF2001/CD3068 HB Special Heat resistant 
M90-71CF2001 HB Standard Standard 
M90FCCF2001 --Laser penetrate 

M90LPPL-T7A735 --Low VOC Standard 
M90LVCF2001/CD3069  HB Standard Standard 
M90SCF2001/CD3069 HB Special Metallic Appearance 
MC-01AColored HB  Equivalent-
MC-01BColored HB  Equivalent-
MC-01CColored HB  Equivalent-High Sliding Molybdenum disulfide filled 
MS-02CD9000 HB High sliding 
NW-02CF2001/CD3501 HB Low VOC High sliding 
NW-02LVCF2001/CD3501 HB High Sliding Oil containing 
OL-10CF2001 HB Low VOC High sliding 
PW-01LVCF2001/CD3501 HB High Impact,Flexible High impact,Flexible 
SF-10CF2001 HB 
SF-15CF2001 HB Low VOC High impact, flexible 
SF-15LVCF2001 --High Impact,Flexible High impact,Flexible 
SF-20CF2001 HB High Sliding High sliding 
SW-01CF2001/CD3501 HB Low VOC High sliding 
SW-01LVCF2001 HB High Sliding High rigidity 
SW-22CF2001 HB 
SW-41CF2001 HB Flexible Lower Noise 
SX-35CF2001 HB Low VOC Tough 
TF-10LVCF2003 / CF2004 --High Impact,Flexible High impact,Flexible 
TF-20CF2001 / CF2002 --
TF-30CF2002 / CF2003 --Mineral reinforced High rigidity,Low warpage 
TR-10DCF2001/CD3501 HB 
TR-20CF2001/CD3501 HB Low VOC Mineral reinforced 
TR-20LVCF2001 HB Mineral reinforced High rigidity,Low warpage 
TR-5CF2001/CD3101 HB High Sliding High rigidity, Low warpage 
TW-31CF2001 HB 
TW-51CF2001 HB High viscocity 
VW-09CF2001 HB Special Chlorinated water resistant 
WR-01CF2001/CD3068 --High Sliding High sliding, High viscocity 
WW-09CF2001 HB  Equivalent-PTFE filled 
YF-10CF2001/CD3501 HB 
YF-20CF2001 HB 
YF-5CF2001 HB 



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